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Lake Park High School Summer Reading 2024: Summer Reading Overview

Summer Reading Program Overview


Above, you will find the summer reading presentation that outlines what to expect from the program. 

You will also find information about all of the books in the tabs above. Each tab features the summary, the cover, and links to book trailers/videos, when available. Plus, there are links to the Lake Park Library catalog and SORA, where you can read online right away with just your Lake Park Google credentials! Not to mention, these books should be available at other booksellers (Amazon, Target, Anderson's, Barnes and Noble, etc.) as well as at your public library. 

Don't forget to log your reading on the Lake Park participation form (at right) to be eligible to win fabulous prizes and be invited to our summer reading celebration in the fall. All students (regardless of whether they live in Roselle) can also log their reading with the Roselle Public Library to earn entries for their summer reading program! 

If you have any questions, please email Ms. Sutton (East Campus Librarian) or Ms. Allison (West Campus Librarian).

Summer Reading Participation Forms